The Tray

The Tray was by far the hardest task for me as it was so different from the previous two. The process involved hammer forming the aluminium piece around a male buck which is different from the previous two task. My partner and I decided to start with the smallest edge radius at first (30mm) however our first few go did't go very well. As the radius of the edges are too small, a lot of folding occurs, as well as the piece of aluminium dig into the wooded buck. Another issue was that whenever I hit one side, the wood piece moved causing it to ruin the other side of the metal. After the first few tries we ended up doing the third smallest radius (50mm) where we found it to be really easy compared to the smallest radius, however at my first try I still have the same issue of the wooden piece moving. My partner then suggested to hit all four sides first, locking the wooden piece in place before hammer forming the edges. Another issue was getting the wooden piece out of the tray, this took some time to figure out but in the end i managed to get it out by using the drill press and a chisel. I then proceed to cut and sand the edges and making sure that it fits my partner's tray. Overall, this task was the most difficult for me however i found a lot of useful tips, info, and experience by doing this task 


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